4 Ways to Give to St John

Make a Difference in Your Community

Honor God with your wealth, and the first fruits of all your produce. – Proverbs 3:9

Online Giving Allows You To:

  • Give a Gift Now

  • Set Up Scheduled Giving

  • Track and Adjust Your Giving

  • View Your Contributions

Giving FAQs:

Yes! Our online giving through Push Pay is certified through the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS). You can rest easy knowing that your giving is completely secure. Click HERE to give now.

It’s simple. Just click HERE to give now and set up your Pushpay account. It shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes.

Choose which date you would like to end your scheduled giving, we recommend “never”.

  • Tithes: This is known as percentage giving, or what we call “give your first”. Generosity becomes most meaningful when it’s a habit. One of the best ways to develop that habit is what the Bible calls “tithing” – consistently giving a tenth of your income as a beginning point of generosity.
  • Offering: We sometimes call this prayerful giving. Pray, listen, and give. This is below or beyond a tithe.
  • Missions: If you’d like to give directly towards our missions partners, you can.
  • Youth Enhancement Fund: These funds go toward expanding our church for the future.

We recognize that giving is a big step. It can be scary and intimidating. But, we also believe that giving is an important part of spiritual growth, so we want to make it as unintimidating as possible. Therefore, we challenge you to take the 90-Day Tithe Challenge. Pray and make a commitment to give here at St John for 90 days, and if at the end of those three months you haven’t grown spiritually, feel free to stop tithing. What do you have to lose?

How Giving Impacts Our Community

Make a Meaningful Contribution to Your Community.
Donate Your Gift to Saint John Today:
Thank You for Your Generosity!